I hope you don’t mind me chiming in on this but it’s my area of expertise.

Your pitch is a little general. What does it mean to resurrect the rock-an-roll glory days. What conspiracy? What shadows of the past? Is she a nepo baby? If so, that’s really interesting. Don’t hide that ball.

What’s missing here is a specific desire line, the inciting incident and a character arc (what is her flaw and how does journey change her?) What are the stakes if she doesn’t succeed? Here’s an example: Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

An aimless young woman (flaw) is hired to care for a paraplegic man (inciting incident) with a death wish (stakes) and while she finds herself falling in love with him, she tries to convince him (antagonist) that life is worth living (desire) which causes her to examine her own life choices (arc).

Also your title is a little too vague. It could work much harder.

Musical novels are trending right now. (Honey just came out loosely based on Britney Spears so I believe you could find a home.)

Best of luck! I bet your writing is just fine but pitching can be a bear.

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Jul 1Liked by Colin Cerniglia

Enjoyed the piece. Well done. Corporate jobs can really snuff out creativity sometimes. It’s nice you were able to break out and create emotional freedom for yourself.

I look forward to a little of that clarity myself, once I get a few things off my plate.

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Thank you, Renee! Even without the "ultimate success" right now I still feel like I'm making progress.

Are you moving away from the corporate world, too? Happy to chat more privately. Send me a DM!

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Jul 1Liked by Colin Cerniglia

Colin, writing a book is the “ultimate success”. Being published is the optional cherry on top.

You have so much to be proud of at this moment.

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You are too kind. Thank you again!

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